Visual Meeting
December 12, 2013Cost: $10 to $50
Time Needed: Less than 1 hour
Skill Level: Intermediate
Functional Abilities/Limitations: Severe Loss of Hearing
Overview: This project is designed for people who have hearing loss but are able to lip read. It is designed for them to use in meeting environments. Problem: people with hearing loss often have a hard time hearing everything that is being said, especially in an environment where there are many people (and sometimes all speaking at once). Many people with hearing loss are able to lip read. However, meetings frequently take place in large conference rooms with long tables that makes it difficult to see everyone. Our approach: We created a video conferencing application that allows users to see other meeting attendees on their screen. This way, our users no longer need to strain to see the speakers’ faces when they can’t hear them and need to lip read. The application uses peer to peer connection with SimpleWRTC ( so that Internet delays can be minimized. In addition, it currently works on Chrome and Firefox browsers.Relevant Links
Step 1: Create a New Meeting
Go to
Create a new meeting by providing a name for the meeting room

Step 2: Provide Your Name
The meeting room name is filled in based on your input in the previous page
Now fill in your name
*Note: you can fill in your first name only. However, the system will check if it is unique. If not, you might have to enter both your first and last name.

Step 3: Start the Meeting
You have now successfully created the meeting
Give the URL and the meeting room name to other people so that they can join it
Step 4: Wait for other users and hold the meeting
When each new user joins, their name appears on the left and their videos in the center
You can turn on/off their videos by clicking on their names
You can also drag and drop other people’s names into groups

Step 5: Optional: Get the code
If you would like to get the code for this application, please visit or run “git clone”.
Tools Required
- Computer with webcam
- Firefox or Chrome browsers